
Do you feel like you’re walking through life fearful of when the next shoe will drop? This is a very scary place to be.

Without the tools to reduce your nervousness and anxiety, you may miss out on many great opportunities. Anxiety can wreak havoc on the quality of your relationships and sap your life of meaning and excitement.

Enough is enough! It’s time to learn powerful tools to decrease the worry, panic, and fear you feel each day.

One of these may sound familiar to you:

Panic: “Another anxiety attack… Why does this keep happening to me? I feel like I’m losing it!”

Social Anxiety: “He probably thinks I’m stupid or weird for saying that. I don’t socialize well with other people, and I feel like there’s something wrong with me.

Worry: “Ok, tomorrow morning I need to make sure to turn in that report… I hope my daughter doesn’t hate me… Did I remember to lock the door?… I really need to get to sleep. I have to be up early… There’s always so much to do. When will I ever get a break?… Ugh, why can’t I sleep?!”

Individual Counseling

Depression and Mood
After being hit by setback after setback, you’re probably feeling helpless, frustrated, and like giving up. “What’s the use anymore?” The activities you used to cherish seem to have lost their flavor, and nothing feels enjoyable.

Depression can make you afraid of even feeling happy because, well, “What’s the point? Another disappointment is just around the corner.”

And you can even find yourself thinking about ending your life. These are some painful and tough places to be. You don’t have to stay there. There is a way through and out to a life full of meaning.

Individual Counseling

Life has been tough… that’s an understatement. Life has been a tornado, an endless chasm of doom and gloom, a terrifying roller-coaster. Words can’t even express the chaos going on inside your mind and body.

You feel detached from your soul. “Who am I?” Relationships are extreme. You hate him but don’t want to be abandoned. Then, wait!… You love him, and now he can do no wrong. “What is going on?!” Complex trauma may be the issue.

You feel lost and disconnected from who you are or have no idea where you want to be in life. You feel helpless after so many attempts to make the situation better.

Your relationships are dramatic or nonexistent, and it’s hard for you to find safe middle ground. You’re moving from one extreme to the next and feel your mood is all over the place.

This is likely the result of past or recent traumas. Therapy can help! No matter how difficult the road, walking down it with someone you can trust makes it a lot easier. Learn to weather storms and overcome barriers.

Individual Counseling

Grief and Loss
You can’t go a day without thinking about your loved one. Just mentioning their name brings about a flood of emotions. You feel as though a large chunk of your future together has been wiped out.

There are so many things you wish you could have said or done. And now your grief impacts your relationship with others, concentration, and overall well-being.

Therapy can help you to hold on to the memory of your loved one while you fully grieve their death and continue to move toward the life you want.

Individual Counseling

Relationship Issues

Meet Parna:

“How do we get things back to where they used to be? I feel like I’m living with a roommate instead of the man I fell in love with.”

Parna has been feeling her relationship slipping away with every argument, disappointment, and misunderstanding. She’s tried everything she could think of: being nicer, meaner, silent… and nothing seems to be working.

Meet John:

John walks around with his head slightly down and his arms close to his sides. He claims he’s a loner, but he’s terrified of making connections. He’s tried but failed so many times. He’s never really felt connected with anyone really. He wonders, “Am I weird? There must be something wrong with me.” Life was not easy for John as a child. “Growing up was tough, too. Mom was nice but seemed afraid all the time. And nothing I ever did was good enough for my dad.” John is likely suffering from attachment wounds and has developed social anxiety.

Whether it’s restoring a romantic relationship or being able to build close and supportive friendships, individual, couples and/or group counseling can help. Click on the links below to find out more.

Individual Counseling Couples Counseling

Specific Challenges for Performers, Athletes, and More
You’ve been trying to reach that next level in your life, your relationships, your training, and your personal goals. But you always seem to fall short, or a life situation sets you back.

You’ve lost momentum and motivation and are unsure how to get them back. What if you could create situations to set yourself up for success? Peak Performance Coaching may be right for you.

Peak Performance Coaching

Now is the time to reach out!
Please complete the form below or call me at (954) 281-2756 to schedule a free 20-minute consultation. Let’s discuss how we can help you find joy in your life.